“Send a sexy pic” v2

Send a sexy pic

Send a sexy pic

“Send a sexy pic”

I hate that text/message. Like really… 1st of all, how long should we be talking before this is an acceptable message. Wait! I don’t find this to be acceptable at all. 2ndly it’s so much pressure.  You assume that I believe I am sexy in order to send a sexy picture. I really don’t think I’m sexy, like at all! I consider myself as not bad…

Why do I need to send a “sexy pic”?? In this day and age, it’s like almost expected… and in this day and age, it’ll be shared. This is what I think about. I do not need the whole world or maybe 5 creepy old dudes to stumble across my fictitious nude photo online.

Why is this acceptable??

Valentine’s Day

Spoiling myself

Spoiling myself

I’ve never done Valentine’s Day… I mean, back in what… elementary school we’d all have to buy cards and make the little envelopes to put all our awesome valentines cards. I was the weird girl… The 1 that only got the cards from the ones who gave cards to everyone in class.. I was also the one who gave a valentine to everyone in class too.

I never really understood the whole Valentine day thing. I mean to me I think it’s a weird thing to have someone lavish presents, and chocolates to your bf, gf, SO (significant other), crush, secret admirer on 1 day. The pressure! lol but at the same time, I secretly long for that secret admirer to secretly put a card, or chocolates or a flower on my desk (locker, or whatever there was at my age at the time.) But that will never happen because

  1. I do not have said secret admirer (that I know of lol)
  2. I do not have a crush, bf, or SO

Maybe one day I can be one of those couplings that singles hate on valentine’s day. lol I know I was and sometimes am 1 of those singles that hate you couples on valentine’s day. I usually stay indoors.

Funny story. While living in Vancouver and being on POF I was talking to this great guy. We decided to meet up, and both of our days off was on a Monday. That also happened to be on Valentine’s day. lol I quickly said, wait.. is that cliché? We don’t have to, we can go another day. But we ended up meeting up at a Starbucks near the lonsdale quay (lol in naivety thought it was pronounced “qu-ay” not “key” lol derp.) We talked for awhile, I got cold. Then we spoke about sushi, and how I’ve never had it before. We decided to hit up a sushi place close-by… I hated it lol.  I tried what everyone tells me to try first, a California roll. I gagged, and did something you probably shouldn’t do with someone you’ve just met (besides try sushi for the first time.) I spat it out in my napkin. I did have 1 of his spicy tuna rolls, that I enjoyed. However sushi isn’t very satisfying for me. I gave him the rest of my rolls.. bleh. He was a nice guy. We went out quite a bit after that, surprisingly lol. Eventually though, I just thought we were only friends. It didn’t seem like he liked me that way, and I was perfectly fine with being just friends with him. Earlier this year though, I found out he did like me… and I guess we were sorta dating (not exclusively… not on my part for sure, I don’t know about him.) He’s with another girl who seems super nice.. and they’re probably super nice together, lol they are those disgustingly pda facebook couples for sure… hate those people.