“Send a sexy pic” v2

Send a sexy pic

Send a sexy pic

“Send a sexy pic”

I hate that text/message. Like really… 1st of all, how long should we be talking before this is an acceptable message. Wait! I don’t find this to be acceptable at all. 2ndly it’s so much pressure.  You assume that I believe I am sexy in order to send a sexy picture. I really don’t think I’m sexy, like at all! I consider myself as not bad…

Why do I need to send a “sexy pic”?? In this day and age, it’s like almost expected… and in this day and age, it’ll be shared. This is what I think about. I do not need the whole world or maybe 5 creepy old dudes to stumble across my fictitious nude photo online.

Why is this acceptable??


It’s almost as if he could hear my thoughts. For a flitting moment, I thought of my so-called ex. I’m not sure why I thought of him, or what I thought of. I guess he just popped up… but a few days after, he sent me a text. An abbreviation… imu.

I was disturbed, upset, and disappointed. For 1, I have a samsung galaxy s4, and it has a nifty function of adding number to spam, so it would not show you, until you go into your spam box… I thought I added his number to the spam list. I had the number wrong. 2nd why! Why did he miss me? Did he just break up with someone and coming back to be for comfort or validation?

So that’s exactly what I texted him. I questioned him, I argued him. But I gave in and told him I had feelings for him still, but what was I to do? Say I love you too, and sit here like a fool, while he goes on to fuck anyone he wants, whenever some pretty girl gives him the eye? If things were reversed you wouldn’t be easy to forgive!

So in my stupidity, as usual, I tried distracting myself by another guy. I texted my fwb… however just as I had thought, he deleted my contact information,  as I did to his info. But me, I kept a screenshot. Lol it was a horrible thing, so I tried to cover it up by saying–I gues this isn’t ____ — he says no, so I apologize, and said if you could forget all about this, lol because he asked who I was, I didn’t say it was me. Lol I thought that would be that. Nope. Few days later, he asks who I was. Determined to find out, so I tell him it’s me. So we ended up talking more… 1 thing lead to another… yup. Idiot.